Tricked Out Bricks - MAX 15 Stand
Tricked Out Bricks - MAX 15 Stand

Tricked Out Bricks - MAX 15 Stand

Regular price $25.00 Sale

Tricked Out Bricks - MAX 15 Stand

Tricked Out Bricks MAX Series Display Stands are designed to handle your larger LEGO® sets and custom builds. The stand incorporates two support arms, each with a 2×4 LEGO® attachment plate connector capable of securely connecting to your build. The stud distance between the outermost points of the two connection plates is a precise 14-stud length.  Need wider or narrower connection points for your build, no problem. Just modify the connection points using your own LEGO® bricks to get the perfect fit. 

Arm Angle: 15°

Display Stand Dimensions: Width 7.5” x Depth 4.25” x Height 5.0”

Pieces: 8

Material: Acrylic

Age: 10+ 

Set NOT Included